Passive Fire & Smoke Systems

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Passive Fire And Smoke System

smoke system

passive fire & smoke system

Within the current construction market the awareness of Fire Safety and compliance has never been higher. Passive Fire and Smoke Systems are an essential part of a building’s Fire Protection System.
Our team understands and embraces the importance & necessity of Fire Protection System & equipment compliancy and offer a QBCC licensed and accredited service to assist our clients in achieving this.

We have optimized a simplified program that addresses our clients concerns and provides assurance that Passive Fire & Smoke Systems have been completed to meet legislative requirements and Australian Standards.

New construction

third party certification

Inglis Fire & Safety provide Third Party Certification Services of Passive Fire and Smoke Systems for new construction. Our simple, tried and tested process provides our client with advice, ongoing quality assurance, guaranteed compliance and an effective and smooth handover of project or building.
Providing a Passive Fire & Smoke System meets all required standards and is fit for purpose (determined by visual inspection, surveying and testing) our team will issue certification and provide all documentation. If there are any non-conformances we will advise and provide recommendations to have your building compliant.

Our Third Party Certification Service includes: Inspection, Survey, Testing, Maintenance and Certification to the current AS1851. All works conducted by Inglis Fire and Safety are carried out correctly and are certified in accordance with the requirements of the relevant codes and Australian Standards. We assist our client to meet all requirements and various regulations.

Streamlined Procedures

Our team will communicate and work directly with the Fire Engineer, Building Certifier and your Quality Assurance team to ensure selected Passive Fire & Smoke Systems meet requirements, are installed correctly and are functional.
Our strategy of working progressively together over the life of the project reduces the risk and cost of last minute defects and non-conformances. Our inspection service allows defects to be identified and resolved immediately as they occur, saving you time and cost.

advice & support

Utilise our expertise, experience and industry knowledge on your next project and benefit from ongoing advice and support throughout. We can assist you in providing; design review, staff and installer training, pre-installation presentations, riser design, installation drawings and detail, contractor checklists, and ongoing advice.
We provide the opportunity to resolve any non-conformances
as soon as they are identified.
With a variety of systems available on the market Inglis can advise acceptable alternative solutions and provide evidence.
Advice and Support
Documentation &
Full documentation and certification is provided to ensure smooth project completion and handover.
Our team utilize modern technologies to quickly complete required registers onsite, contributing to savings in time management.
Ongoing defect reports, marked up drawings and Form 16 certification are available through our service.

Routine Maintenance

Existing Buildings

To meet current Australian Standards Passive Fire & Smoke Systems are required on a six monthly basis to be inspected and maintained. Inglis Fire & Safety provide and conduct routine service and maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment to the current Australian Standard AS 1851-2012.
We specialise in Passive Fire & Smoke Systems including Fire Door systems and Penetration Systems. Our objective is to maintain the reliability of fire protection systems and equipment such that they continue to meet the requirements of the approved design and are likely to do so until the next scheduled activity (1.2, AS 1851). The Australian Standard sets out a systematic basis for minimum routine service applicable and requires evidence, in the form of records and reports of completion of the periodic inspection (including survey), testing and preventative maintenance activities (1.3 AS 1851). Through a combination of training, qualification and experience our team are competent persons who have acquired the appropriate knowledge and skill to perform the required tasks and service.


A visual examination of components of Fire Protection Systems and/or equipment is conducted to establish correct settings, physical condition and fitness for purpose.

Once an inspection has been conducted a comprehensive report detailing the current condition of the building will be issued. Inglis Fire & Safety will advise of any repairs or replacements that are required and will issue a quotation to conduct maintenance work.


Surveys are conducted in the form of visual inspection to identify if the fire protection system or equipment has been inappropriately altered, damaged or compromised by changes in the occupancy, environment or building (C1.5.18, AS 1851-2012). The goal of the survey is to determine that the approved design of the system is not compromised. Where an upgrade or modification has resulted in a change of the performance capability, the system should be appraised against the new baseline data of the approved design (C1.5.18, AS 1851-2012).


Testing is conducted to confirm the correct function or performance of a component or system. Through testing, if a system is not functioning correctly or to standard, Inglis Fire & Safety will detail and report a non-conformance. We will provide our client with advice and recommendation to achieve compliancy.

Preventative Maintenance

Inglis Fire & Safety provide a preventative maintenance service to maintain a buildings Passive Fire & Smoke System. A detailed maintenance report is prepared and provided, displaying all maintenance works carried out.


After conducting an inspection, survey and testing of a Passive Fire & Smoke System, providing it satisfies all requirements and standards, Inglis Fire & Safety will provide all required documentation including: advice, reports and Certificate stating that the system complies with Australian, Building Code of Australia requirements and manufacturer’s specifications.

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